It has produced the following influential papers on agricultural R&D (available on the CFG web-site):
- ‘The need for a new vision for UK agricultural research and development’ (produced in spring 2008)
- Priorities for agricultural and horticultural R&D’ (produced in summer 2009)
It has presented its views on the state of agricultural R&D to:
- BBSRC Council
- DEFRA workshop on agricultural R&D
- All Party Parliamentary Group on Agricultural Science and Technology
- Agri-Food Charities Partnership
It has held meetings with government and other officials including:
- The Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor John Beddington
- The DEFRA Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Bob Watson
- The Shadow Secretary of State, Nick Herbert
- The Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Agricultural Science and Technology Committee, David Kidney
- The Director of Innovation for BBSRC, Dr Celia Caulcott
It has formally responded to consultations (available on the CFG web-site) from:
- EFRA Committee on ‘DEFRA Science’ in March 2008
- BBSRC on ‘Research for Food Security’ in July 2009